Monthly Archives: April 2019


Manning Park – Foray Report 2018

Paul Kroeger has compiled another detailed report on the species of E.C. Manning Provincial Park, as collected by the VMS!

Click the page below for on for a record of all these fungi, the years and ecological zones in which they’ve been found, and some great pictures.

The Unexpected Magic of Mushrooms

By Richard Gray
15 March 2019

Normally associated with rot and decay, fungi may be a great overlooked resource that could help humanity deal with some of its greatest problems. Beneath Jim Anderson’s feet lies a monster. It has been alive since the Persian king Xerxes waged war against the Ancient Greeks and weighs more than three blue whales put together. It has a voracious appetite, eating its way through huge swathes of forest. But this is no long-forgotten beast borne of Greek mythology. It is a mushroom…